Friday 7 October 2011

selamat tinggak sem satu!

hmm.. time for packing!
semester satu pun berakhir.. sedih sangat la! kawan-kawan ,thanks for every single moment that we had trough together! jumpe lagi sem depan ye! aku sure akan merindui zaman semester satu di universiti nih.. bye-bye! bertemu di sem depan ye kawan!
honestly aku akn rindu kan kb-04-02 my tiny apartment.. housemate aku, najibah hamzah, hazira jaafar, atikah hidaya, azlin syuhada, ainul nazihah, syada hamidon, and new comers syarifah najwa.

kawan-kawan hiduppengsan aku. nik akmar, syahid ismail, haszerul ramly. hafiz farhan, syahir saidon, amer izzudin! thanks guys! ily korg!!!
 kawan hiduppengsan aku!!
 nik, aku, che ah, mimie!
 girls of the ec1101b1
 hangout together!
 class member!
 malaysian team!
 buke puase dekat casa impiana cafe ec110b1
 just arrived at kl central!
 bbq day!
 the boys!
 they again..

kawan2 yang lain jugak. mimi, che ah, yuyul dan classmate aku!
selamat tinggal phy130, mat 133, chm138, bel 120, ctu101, ecm! good bye forever!( i hope SO!!)

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