Friday 14 December 2012

Between: Dream and Reality

yup, this title made me confuse a little. might be so damn serious and maybe nothing at all. and i'm about to rethink about my crush. should i... now i'm blurred.. yes. been decide it is just another my teenage story. as i'm about to my 20th haaa that's my puppy love i guess.. cehh. now i have to ignore all what those nonsense think and focusing my study mehh. yelah sem 4 agak though dari those last sem tauu. and saya ni tak bijak la. sob sob sob. what makes me think is all of a sudden about my crush. that slight moment i had been. standing there busted (maybe wahaha) and so on. nak cite lebih lebih pon bahaya, karang dari deme tak tahu pape, jadi tahu segalanya. haishhh.(jidin style). heee. dah la. kan i dah cakap, it's nothing. haha. jgn lah marah. ni haa baru nak intro. meh meh.
      okayy. aku percaya la kalau crush ni macam hape je. sebenarnya it's better la kalau kita pendam je, yelah lagi kau tu jatuh cinta (yeke??) ke, crush ke dekat kawan kau. bahaya tau, kite kene jaga hubungan baik sesama kawan, cayalah all this love thing kan hanya rosakkan persahabatan korang je. tapi aku tak nafikan mungkin mereka tu jodoh hang ka kan. boleh jadi jugak tau. but in my case i just assume bukan my mr.destiny laa. hehe. kekadang bila kau jatuh cinta tu, kau kene ingat bumi mana kau pijak. setinggi mana ilmu yang kau junjung. yelah takut esok lusa kau jugak yang merana hati tahu? so nasihat i kat sini better we all (termasuk la aku) ni fokus study dulu. banggakan ibu abah dulu. baru cerita nak bercinta la. yang lelaki tu, kumpul duit sesiap, bila dah cukup duit tu, kau terus je minang. insyaallah, ada jodoh dia terima. tapi jangan lupa buat la solat hajat, mudahkan segala urusan tu. (hehe, tips mak jemah ni). jangan lupa, selalu lah doa dapat jodoh yang baik, yang mampu membimbing kita kejalan yang Allah redhai tau. dalam surah annur ayat 26; ada menyatakan wanita yang baik untuk lelaki dan baik dan sebaliknya. so i believe dengan ketentuan Allah and i always believe that He will give me the best, sebab aku juga yakin yang baik itu datangnya daripad Allah dan yang kurang nya adalah diri aku sendiri.
translate: evil words are for evil men, and evil men are [subjected] to evil words. and good words are for good men, and good men [an object] of good word. those [good people] are declares innocent of what the slanderers say. for them is forgiveness are noble provision.                                              [sahih international]
                Untuk penutup tirai malam ni, aku berharap Awan takkan sedar apa yang Bumi rasakan, dan biarlah ia menjadi rahsia dan aku harapkan penyudah yang baik daripada-Nya. 

note: i'm not mending broken heart, picture for display only. rock yeah!
and lasttt.. unintended from muse
You could be my unintended 
Choice to live my life extended 
You could be the one I'll always love 
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions 
You could be the one I'll always love 

I'll be there as soon as I can 
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before 
First there was the one who challenged 
All my dreams and all my balance 
She could never be as good as you 

You could be my unintended 
Choice to live my life extended 
You should be the one I'll always love 

I'll be there as soon as I can 
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before 

I'll be there as soon as I can 
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before 

Before you

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