Monday 7 January 2013


And the shits start happen years ago while we have chit chat don't know how but we spilled the secret unintentionally. since the others do know what the real issue was, they just ignored them. But not for him, he keep argue and curiosly want to know the real story. yeah, as we have trip back from sg.petani for site visiting the girls keep gossiping with others. from that point he smell something fishy. the girls keep talking again about him (awan) and know what. he, mr,p start guess something. as both of us (mr.p and i) have chat he keep talking about "dah terang lagi bersuluh". i know that he know, and what he guess is true. but i don't know until today, i ask him again. at first he hesitated to tell me and i keep forcing and ask him, he give up and just tell me. hah! guess what bingo that's true! but i denied it again and again, but when suddenly when rini talking about wan all the girls looked at me and i know that i'm busted. but keep cool and deny the truth. jingle the way. oh ya. just forget him. as soon, the story about wan will be not published anymore. Wee.

p/s: you'll never understand what i talking about.

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