Monday 20 February 2012

9 jenis anak syaitan

Sayyidina Umar al-Khattab r. a berkata, terdapat 9 jenis anak syaitan:

1. Zalituun : Duduk di pasar/kedai supaya manusia hilang sifat jimat cermat. Menggoda supaya manusia berbelanja lebih dan membeli barang-barang yang tidak perlu.

2. Wathiin : Pergi kepada orang yang mendapat musibah supaya bersangka buruk terhadap Allah SWT.

3. A'awan : Menghasut sultan / raja / pemerintah supaya tidak mendekati rakyat. Seronok dengan kedudukan / kekayaan hingga terabai kebajikan rakyat dan tidak mahu mendengar nasihat para ulama.

4. Haffaf : Berkawan baik dengan kaki botol. Suka menghampiri orang yang berada di tempat-tempat maksiat (seperti disko, kelab malam & tempat yang ada minuman keras).

5. Murrah : Merosakkan dan melalaikan ahli dan orang yang sukakan muzik sehingga lupa kepada Allah. Mereka ini tenggelam dalam keseronokan dan glamor, dsb.

6. Masuud : Duduk di bibir mulut manusia supaya melahirkan fitnah, gosip, umpatan dan apa sahaja penyakit yang bermula dari kata-kata.

7. Daasim : Duduk di pintu rumah kita. Jika tidak memberi salam ketika masuk ke rumah, Daasim akan bertindak agar berlaku keruntuhan rumahtangga (suami isteri bercerai-berai, suami bertindak ganas, memukul isteri, isteri hilang pertimbangan menuntut cerai, anak-anak didera dan pelbagai bentuk kemusnahan rumah tangga lagi). Oleh itu, berilah salam sebelum masuk ke rumah.

8. Walahaan : Menimbulkan rasa was-was dalam diri manusia khususnya ketika berwuduk dan solat dan menjejaskan ibadat-ibadat kita yg lain.

9. Lakhuus : Merupakan sahabat orang Majusi yang menyembah api/matahari.

Sebarkan pada rakan-rakan kita sebagai peringatan setiap hari dimana syaitan2 ini mengganggu hidup harian yang selama ini menghasut kita tanpa kita sedari. Sampaikan kepada saudara Muslim yang lain semoga menjadi pedoman hidup hingga ke akhir hayat, InsyaAllah

Sunday 19 February 2012

aku sok update story nih, bukan ade sape pon nak bace! hehe
wink! wink!!! haha, syok sendiri lahh.. takpe la asal aku bahagieeee:)

the sambal ikan bilis story

"oleh kerana ibu pos kan sambal ikan bilis kegemaran aolng dari johor kr penang, tiap2 hari along makan sambal ibu je. hehe. dah seminggu ngadap laok tu je. btw thanks ibu. tiap2 hari dapat berdinner dan berlunch masakan ibu walaupun dah dua bulan lebih tak balik rumah. i just wanna says that i misss you so much!
p/s:sambal dah nak habis dah! hehe"
this is my post at facebook. actually i am really miss  my home and my mother's cook. i adore it! it had been two month since i'm not back there. there so many reason that why i could not make it. mom really know to raise me. and she did so well. thanks mom! i could not tell how much i love you. really sorry for all those mistake i did before. be with my mom a day will make remember  to my childhood day.. and i still count on that day. when it will be. since i stay at boarding school from i am 13 until now. i really do not have much time to spare with her. still, those time i had was a precious time. when i feel sad or become sulky she will convince me with her way. it was had been such past time. now i already 19, so be sulky or mad not me more. but still i want remember when all that happen. my favorite dish, sambal ikan bilis made by her is the best dishes in the world, even tenderloin steak nor domino's pizza could not beat it. and i admit that i can eat it for whole life! thanks mom, i adore you so much, forever and ever...

Wednesday 15 February 2012

after we had site visit at langkawi island, kedah. our geology lecturer told us to created a geological video. so this is the output..haappy watching!

the funny story about smoking.

A peaceful afternoon ...

Wife: "My dear! How many times I say, do not smoke in the house. Furthermore, cigarette make our money less!”

Husband: "Yes dear I know"

Wife: "So, why is smoking again? let the money  be saved"

Husband: "Actually, I really want to save money from cigarette, but think of the mess that our young people make. me thought, why not help the government deal .Perhaps in this way can be reduce smoking activity in our country"

Wife: "Help? By purchasing cigarettes?"

Husband: "Yes dear, I am actually wanted to burn the cigarette factories in Malaysia... but what it could be ... it violates the law, then I decided to burn one by one!"

Wife: "@ # $%% ^"
subhanallah the reality of life, what do allah creat is the best of us, we should check out the truth! really awesome! alhamdullilah.

10 things that ruined the brain

1. do not eat breakfast
2. over-eating
3. smoke
4. take excessive sugar
5. inhaling contaminated
6. excessive sleep
7. sleep by closing the face
8. lack imagination
9. rarely think
10. not read the Quran

Tuesday 14 February 2012

oh my problem!

when you feel sad, and at the same time your friend glory time appear what do you will be?? confess to her/him? just keep the story? sometime when we need them it just not suitable time to have them together. to sad. we can't be to selfish but our heart going to explode. what will be next? go and find new friend? no! it horrible thing! i'm trying to do the sane thing, but lastly it seem failed, because the newer do not know who the real us. it just like tell your story to counselor or something. they can give us some advice, but do they really know the real of us?
the reality of the life? seem to be ruthless ha? but we forget, we do have them. yes our family, they who always support us, no matter what happen. thanks mom, thanks dad. i love you always...

Saturday 11 February 2012

Hi everybody! Long time no seehahahaIt kinda of busy(how busy isI just returned sitevisit in Langkawi, Kedah. such a nice palcevery lovely onei used to stay at Chenangbeach. its quite good beachi had bought so many chocolate and sweetbut now all gone ~ ~ haha (actually i ATE it all). we went few places such as lakes handmaidens, bunting, brown rice, wet beach, bat cave and so on. also went to the mat overwhelmed hillvery beatifulIn the bat cave, I saw a lot of sleeping bats during the day. the cave is also a fun place, there are many things that I learned. one of these is the type of rock and how rock can begenerated. on the lake handmaidens I am very impressed pregnant with its crystal clear waters and the most amazing thing is peace there.only hope to go there again.
hai hai everybody! today i want to share this coolest shawl~~
wanna promote my freind la nih~~ check out this!
i'll try this out okayyy! --->>> bidasari hijab

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