Tuesday 14 February 2012

oh my problem!

when you feel sad, and at the same time your friend glory time appear what do you will be?? confess to her/him? just keep the story? sometime when we need them it just not suitable time to have them together. to sad. we can't be to selfish but our heart going to explode. what will be next? go and find new friend? no! it horrible thing! i'm trying to do the sane thing, but lastly it seem failed, because the newer do not know who the real us. it just like tell your story to counselor or something. they can give us some advice, but do they really know the real of us?
the reality of the life? seem to be ruthless ha? but we forget, we do have them. yes our family, they who always support us, no matter what happen. thanks mom, thanks dad. i love you always...

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